PENGEMBANGAN PERENCANAAN PENDIDIKAN PARTISIPATIF BERBASIS KEWILAYAHAN DALAM KONTEKS OTONOMI DAERAH: Studi evaluatif faktor determinan untuk meningkatkan indeks pendidikan dalam menunjang pencapaian indeks pembangunan manusia di Propinsi Jawa Barat

ABDURACHIM, Dudi Sudrajat (2009) PENGEMBANGAN PERENCANAAN PENDIDIKAN PARTISIPATIF BERBASIS KEWILAYAHAN DALAM KONTEKS OTONOMI DAERAH: Studi evaluatif faktor determinan untuk meningkatkan indeks pendidikan dalam menunjang pencapaian indeks pembangunan manusia di Propinsi Jawa Barat. eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


The collected data revealed that the efforts carried out by Provincial Government of West Java to achieve development targets including education field were still beyond the expectation due to varied factors such as very low competence in mobilizing non governmental resources. In terms of planning perspective, the provincial government should provide the society openness for an access to participate in determining the direction of future educational development. A good education planning is the planning that is able to coherently work with other planning programs of human service such as the program of library, recreation facility, museum, mass media and etc. In addition, the planning should have the orientation to student program appropriate structurally to the condition and surroundings. Considering the varied role of education planning, every stakeholder in society, other than the school and government environment, should be involved into this planning. This strategic position of education planning in overall education process provided a clear direction for the effort of educational administration and accordingly the educational management would be conducted effectively and efficiently. As a result, the focus of this study was studying the effectiveness of education planning. This study was aimed at analyzing the concept, process and model of regional based participative education planning as the reference for decision makers in provincial government to determine the direction for implementing education development in the Province of West Java. The study employed descriptive qualitative design aiming at analyzing and describing the existing phenomena in formulating the local autonomy policy stated in strategic and annual plan of education development in the Province of West Java. The result of this study revealed that although education development plan in the Province of West Java was the implementation of participative based Laws of National Development Plan System, the planning effort had not been resulted as expected in terms of the improvement in ethic quality, effectiveness, learning process and administration development, and democracy especially within the government in managing the education development.


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Item Type: Thesis (eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd)
Subjects: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia > Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Administrasi Pendidikan S-3
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Administrasi Pendidikan S-3
Depositing User: Users 1 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2013 03:48
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2013 03:48

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