Nendah Sari, - (2023) HUBUNGANN CITRA TUBUH (BODY IMAGE) DENGAN STATUS GIZI KEK PADA SISWI SMKN SUKASARI. D3 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Masa remaja terjadi dengan dimulainya pubertas dan perubahan fisik, perubahan bentuk tubuh terhadap BB dan TB berkontripusi terhadap perkembangan citra tubuh dan gangguan kebiasaan makan tidak baik. Dengan adanya citra tubuh remaja melakukan berbagai upaya untuk memiliki citra tubuh yang langsing tanpa melihat citra tubuh ideal dengan melakukan diet dan perubahan pola makan sehingga berdampak terhadap status gizi yaitu kekurangan energi kronik (KEK). Tujuan penelitian agar mengetahui hubungan citra tubuh (body image) dengan status gizi KEK. Metode penelitian desain kuantitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner pernyataan sebanyak 22 butir dan lembar observasi terhadap pengukuran lingkar lengan atas. Kemudian melihat hubungan antara citra tubuh dan status gizi KEK. keseluruhan sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 105 responden dengan teknis cluster random sampling, dan lokasi penelitianya di SMKN Sukasari. Analisa data menggunakan bivariat analisis chi square, penelitian digunakan agar melihat hubungan variabel citra tubuh (body image) dan status gizi KEK. Hasil penelitian menunjukan siswi yang mempunyai citra tubuh positif 41% dan negative 59%, dengan status gizi KEK <23,5 44% dan >23,5 56%. Hubungan citra tubuh dengan status gizi KEK (a= 0,001). Kesimpulan: Dalam penelitian ini bisa disimpulkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara citra tubuh (body image) dengan status gizi KEK di SMKN Sukasari. Kata kunci: citra tubuh, status gizi KEK, positif dan negatif Adolescence occurs with the onset of puberty and physical changes, changes in body shape to body weight and height contribute to the development of body image and unhealthy eating behavior disorders. With the existence of body image, adolescents make various efforts to have a slim body image without looking at the ideal body image by going on a diet and changing eating patterns hence affecting nutritional status, namely chronic energy deficit (KEK). The goal of this study was to ascertain the connection between KEK nutritional health and body image. Data are collected using a statement questionnaire with 22 items and an observation sheet for measuring upper arm circumference as part of the descriptive quantitative design of the research. Next, consider the connection between nutritional status KEK and body image. With a cluster random sampling methodology, 105 respondents served as samples for this study, which was conducted at SMKN Sukasari. The study was performed to examine the association between body image and KEK nutritional status, and the data analysis using bivariate chi square analysis. The findings revealed that 41% The nutritional level of female students was KEK 23.5 44% and > 23.56%, with 59% having a positive body image and 41% having a negative body image. Relationship between KEK nutritional status and body image (a = 0.001). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be said that KEK at SMKN Sukasari's body image and nutritional state are significantly correlated. Keywords: body image, KEK nutritional status, positif and negatif

Item Type: Thesis (D3)
Additional Information: ID Nendah Sari Dosen Pembimbing : Diding kelana Setiadi : 3424066601 Popi Sopiah :3407107801
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: UPI Kampus Sumedang > D3 Keperawatan
Depositing User: Nendah Sari
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2023 01:57
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2023 01:57

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