Tiara Tanzuziler, - (2023) EKSPLORASI MOTIVASI DAN PENGALAMAN WISATAWAN PADA AKTIVITAS WELLNESS TOURISM DI ERA NEW NORMAL: Studi Fenomenologi di Aromatic Wellness Playground Atsiri diSarinah. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Penelitian tentang motivasi dan pengalaman wisatawan wellness tourism masih jarang ditemukan pada masa new normal. Padahal gaya hidup sehat sedang tren pada saat ini serta relasi motivasi dan pengalaman wisatawan adalah penentu utama bagi perkembangan wellness tourism untuk memahami lebih dalam tentang hubungannya. Penelitian ini mengisi kekurangan itu dengan mengeksplorasi motivasi dan pengalaman wisatawan pada aktivitas wellness tourism di era New Normal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi dan mendeskripsikan motivasi dan pengalaman wisatawan wellness tourism dalam beraktivitas di destinasi wellness tourism Atsiri diSarinah dan untuk mengetahui perkembangan industri pariwisata yang berbasis wellness tourism dan bentuk pengembangan wellness tourism Atsiri diSarinah sebagai bagian adaptasi terhadap dinamika pariwisata pada fase menuju endemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari tiga wisatawan dan dua pengelola destinasi wisata. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Wawancara dijalankan secara semi-terstruktur. Transkrip wawancara kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan interpretative phenomenological analysis. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, penelitian ini memilih Atsiri diSarinah sebagai destinasi wisata aromatic wellness playground baru di Gedung Sarinah, Jakarta. Hasil penelitian yang pertama menemukan pada motivasi wisatawan wellness tourism terdapat empat yaitu motivasi aroma, motivasi Daya Tarik Wisata, motivasi media sosial dan motivasi unik. Sedangkan pada temuan kedua bahwa terdapat lima pengalaman wisatawan wellness tourism yaitu pengalaman pendidikan, pengalaman hiburan, pengalaman estetik, pengalaman escape dan pengalaman mengisi mengisi kuis aroma. Sedangkan, pada temuan yang kedua yaitu perkembangan industri pariwisata yang berbasis wellness tourism terbukti dari ekspansi cabang yang di lakukan oleh Rumah Atsiri Indonesia dalam mendirikan Atsiri diSarinah. Lalu, bentuk pengembangan wellness tourism Atsiri diSarinah sebagai bagian adaptasi terhadap dinamika pariwisata pada fase menuju endemi Covid-19 yaitu terdapat experience aromatic wellness, wellness playground, Daya Tarik Wisata, dan aspek wellness. ------------------- Research on the motivations and experiences of wellness tourism tourists is still rare in the new normal era. Even though a healthy lifestyle is trending at the moment and the relationship between motivation and tourist experience is the main determinant for the development of wellness tourism to understand more deeply about the relationship. This research fills this gap by exploring the motivations and experiences of tourists in wellness tourism activities in the New Normal era. This study aims to explore and describe the motivations and experiences of wellness tourism tourists in their activities at the Atsiri wellness tourism destination in Sarinah and to find out the development of the tourism industry based on wellness tourism and the forms of developing Atsiri wellness tourism in Sarinah as part of adaptation to the dynamics of tourism in the phase towards the endemic Covid-19 . This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects consisted of three tourists and two managers of tourist destinations. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and literature studies. The interviews were carried out in a semi-structured manner. Interview transcripts were then analyzed using interpretive phenomenological analysis. To achieve this goal, this study chose Atsiri in Sarinah as a tourist destination for a new aromatic wellness playground in Sarinah Building, Jakarta. The results of the first study found that there were four motivations for wellness tourism tourists, namely aroma motivation, tourist attraction motivation, social media motivation and unique motivation. Whereas in the second finding that there are five experiences of wellness tourism tourists, namely educational experience, entertainment experience, aesthetic experience, escape experience and experience of filling out aroma quizzes. Meanwhile, the second finding is the development of the tourism industry based on wellness tourism as evidenced by the branch expansion carried out by Rumah Essential Indonesia in establishing essential oils in Sarinah. Then, the form of developing Atsiri wellness tourism in Sarinah as part of adaptation to the dynamics of tourism in the phase towards the endemic of Covid-19, namely there is an aromatic wellness experience, a wellness playground, a tourist attraction, and wellness aspects.

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Official URL: http://repository.upi.edu/
Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Rini Andari: 6000526
Uncontrolled Keywords: Wellness tourism, motivasi wisatawan, pengalaman wisatawan, pengembangan wisata era new normal
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Manajemen Pemasaran Pariwisata
Depositing User: Tiara Tanzuziler
Date Deposited: 26 Jun 2023 03:15
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2023 03:15
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/89313

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