Ilham Muhammad Sofyan, - (2022) REFORMASI EKONOMI CINA MELALUI HOUSEHOLD RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM (HRS) PADA TAHUN 1978-1982. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Gebrakan reformasi ekonomi yang dibawa oleh Deng Xiaoping pada masa kepemimpinannya di Cina membawa perekonomian Cina menjadi lebih baik. Perekonomian Cina yang semula berporos pada sistem komunisme mengalami pergeseran di bawah kepemimpinan Deng Xiaoping, yakni dengan berporos pada sistem perekonomian kapitalisme. Reformasi ini berangkat dari warisan kekacauan ekonomi pasca kepemimpinan Mao Zedong di Cina. Transisi sistem perekonomian yang dilakukan oleh Deng Xiaoping membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat Cina, terutama dampak yang dibawa melalui penerapan berbagai kebijakan ekonomi seperti Household Responsibility System (HRS). Sistem HRS memberi peluang masyarakat untuk mengontrakkan tanah, peralatan seta berbagai sarana milik organisasi kolektif. Tujuannya adalah untuk melestarikan manajemen bersatu sebagai basis konsep ekonomi kolektif, sambil menyewakan lahan dan fasilitas lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan kebijakan Household Responsibility System (HRS) di Cina sebagai salah satu gerakan reformasi ekonomi di masa pemerintahan Deng Xiaoping. Penelitian ini berjudul “Reformasi Ekonomi Cina Melalui Household Responsibility System (HRS) pada Tahun 1978-1982” yang berangkat dari tema “Peranan Deng Xiaoping dalam Memodernisasi Ekonomi Cina (Tahun 1978-1982)”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode historis dengan empat langkah penelitian, yakni heuristik, kritik sumber, historiografi, dan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan HRS memberikan dampak positif terhadap kehidupan penduduk Cina. Terutama dalam peningkatan taraf kehidupan melalui perekonomian penduduk. Kebijakan pemerintah Cina yang memperbolehkan setiap rumah tangga petani untuk menguasai dan mengelola lahan pertanian secara individual turut meningkatkan perekonomian penduduk Cina. Kata kunci: Reformasi Ekonomi, Household Responsibility System (HRS), Deng Xiaoping ABSTRACT The economic reforms brought by Deng Xiaoping during his leadership in China brought the Chinese economy to the fore. The Chinese economy which was originally based on the communist system underwent a shift under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, namely by pivoting to the capitalist economic system. This reform departs from the legacy of economic turmoil after Mao Zedong's leadership in China. The economic system transition carried out by Deng Xiaoping has had a positive impact on Chinese society, especially the impact brought about through the implementation of various economic policies such as the Household Responsibility System (HRS). The HRS system provides the community with the opportunity to lease out land, equipment and various facilities belonging to collective organizations. The aim is to preserve unified management as the basis of the collective economic concept, while leasing land and other facilities. This study aims to describe the Household Responsibility System (HRS) policy in China as one of the economic reform movements during the Deng Xiaoping administration. This research is entitled "China's Economic Reform Through Household Responsibility System (HRS) in 1978-1982" which departs from the theme "The Role of Deng Xiaoping in Modernizing the Chinese Economy (1978-1982)". The research method used is the historical method with four research steps, namely heuristics, source criticism, historiography, and interpretation. The results showed that the HRS policy had a positive impact on the lives of the Chinese population. Especially in improving the standard of living through the economy of the population. The Chinese government's policy of allowing each farming household to control and manage agricultural land individually helped improve the Chinese economy. Keywords: Economic Reform, Household Responsibility System (HRS), Deng Xiaoping

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: Link Google Scholar Agus Mulyana : Link Google Scholar Yeni Kurniawati :
Uncontrolled Keywords: Reformasi Ekonomi, Household Responsibility System (HRS), Deng Xiaoping
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Pendidikan Sejarah
Depositing User: Ilham Muhamamad sofyan
Date Deposited: 25 May 2023 07:40
Last Modified: 25 May 2023 07:40

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