Kelimpahan dan Karakteristik Habitat Rhacophorus reinwardtii di Kawasan Ciwidey Ranca Upas, Jawa Barat

Wahyuni H Sultan, - (2022) Kelimpahan dan Karakteristik Habitat Rhacophorus reinwardtii di Kawasan Ciwidey Ranca Upas, Jawa Barat. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


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ABSTRAK Kawasan Ranca Upas Ciwidey adalah salah satu bumi perkemahan dan merupakan hutan lindung. Katak Rhacophorus reinwardtii menurut IUCN memiliki status Near Threatened (NT). Saat ini, Ranca Upas digunakan sebagai tempat perkemahan dan objek wisata, sehingga memungkinkan mempengaruhi habitat katak maupun berbagai makhluk hidup yang berada di kawasan Ranca Upas khususnya Rhacophorus reinwardtii. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah perubahan dalam estimasi kelimpahan populasi dari Rhacophorus reinwardtii di kawasan hutan Ranca Upas Ciwidey, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei hingga bulan Juni. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES). Data populasi diambil dengan menggunakan teknik CMRR (Capture-Mark-Release-Recapture) dengan menggunakan penandaan dari benang sepatu yang telah dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa. Estimasi kelimpahan Rhacophorus reinwardtii dihitung menggunakan metode Schnabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rhacophorus reinwardtii di kawasan hutan Ranca Upas memiliki habitat bersubstrat yaitu genangan berlumpur dan aliran sungai berupa bebatuan dengan arus air rata-rata 0,198-0,208 m/s. Memiliki kelembaban udara sebesar 89% hingga 90%, suhu udara berkisaran 14°C-17°C dan suhu air berkisar 18,4°C-20,3°C. Terdapat satu vegetasi yang diperkirakan sering digunakan oleh Rhacophorus reinwardtii untuk beraktivitas yaitu Cyathea sp. Estimasi kelimpahan Rhacophorus reinwardtii di kawasan hutan Ranca Upas secara keseluruhan diperkirakan 76 individu dengan kepadatan katak diperkirakan 0,7 individu/m2. Katak yang ditemukan rerata memiliki Snout Vent Length (SVL) berkisar 5 sampai 5,5 cm. Kata Kunci: Katak, Anura, Rhacophorus reinwardtii, Populasi, Ranca Upas ABSTRACT The Ranca Upas Ciwidey area is one of the campgrounds and is a protected forest. According to the IUCN, the frog Rhacophorus reinwardtii has a Near Threatened (NT) status. Currently, Ranca Upas is used as a campsite and tourist attraction, thus allowing it to affect the habitat of frogs and various living things in the Ranca Upas area, especially Rhacophorus reinwardtii. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a change in the estimated population abundance of Rhacophorus reinwardtii in the forest area of Ranca Upas Ciwidey, West Java. This research was conducted from May to June. The data collection method in this research is using the Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method. Population data was taken using the CMRR (Capture-Mark-Release-Recapture) technique by using the marking of shoe threads that had been modified in such a way. The estimated abundance of Rhacophorus reinwardtii was calculated using the Schnabel method. The results showed that Rhacophorus reinwardtii in the forest area of Ranca Upas had a substrate habitat, namely muddy puddles and river flows in the form of rocks with an average water current of 0.198-0.208 m/s. It has air humidity of 89% to 90%, air temperature ranges from 14°C-17°C and water temperature ranges from 18.4°C-20.3°C. There is one vegetation that is thought to be frequently used by Rhacophorus reinwardtii for activities, namely Cyathea sp. The estimated abundance of Rhacophorus reinwardtii in the Ranca Upas forest area as a whole is estimated at 76 individuals with a frog density estimated at 0.7 individuals/m2. The frogs found on average had a Snout Vent Length (SVL) ranging from 5 to 5.5 cm. Keywords: Frog, Anura, Rhacophorus reinwardtii, Population, Ranca Upas

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: Link Google Scholar :
Uncontrolled Keywords: Katak, Anura, Rhacophorus reinwardtii, Populasi, Ranca Upas
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi > Program Studi Biologi (non kependidikan)
Depositing User: Wahyuni H Sultan
Date Deposited: 08 Sep 2022 04:53
Last Modified: 08 Sep 2022 04:53

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