Novianti Ainurokhim, - (2021) PELATIHAN EXTRAKURIKULER PADUAN SUARA MELALUI APLIKASI GOOGLE CLASSROOM DI SMA KP 3 PASEH. D3 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler paduan suara yang dilaksanakan di SMA KP 3 Paseh Kabupaten Bandung. Kesuksesan terus diraih siswa-siswi SMA KP 3 Paseh. Prestasi yang pernah diraih, antara lain juara 2 lomba nyanyi nasyid pada tingkat SMA di Kabupaten Bandung dan Juara paduan suara ”Ajungan Jawa Barat di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan, dan menganalisis proses pembelajaran pada ekstrakurikuler paduan suara melalui aplikasi google classroom di SMA KP 3 Paseh. Deskriptif kualitatif merupakan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Proses trianggulasi dilakukan untuk menguji keabsahan data yang diperoleh sebelum dianalisis dengan melakukan tahapan pengumpulan data, penyajian data, reduksi data, yang selanjutnya disusun sebuah kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler paduan suara melalui aplikasi google classroom di SMA KP 3 Paseh dilakukan dengan cara-cara latihan pemanasan, mengatur sikap tubuh, latihan pernafasan, latihan artikulasi, latihan intonasi, latihan membaca notasi syair lagu, latihan interpretasi dan pembawaan lagu, latihan keterpaduan dan latihan keseimbangan. Melalui aplikasi Google Classroom anggota dapat mengamati, mendengarkan, menirukan dan terus mencoba sendiri materi lagu yang diajarkan. Secara klasikal sudah dikatakan berhasil, namun jumlah ketuntasan siswa hanya mencapai 60% dengan jumlah siswa tuntas 18 orang. Kondisi ini memberi gambaran nyata kepada peneliti bahwa keberhasilan pelatihan Ekstrakurikuler Paduan Suara Melalui Aplikasi Google Classroom di SMA KP 3 Paseh Kabupaten Bandung baru termasuk kategori: CUKUP. Hendaknya mempersiapkan semua sarana dan pra-sarana untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi Google Classroom agar peserta diklat dapat memahami materi dengan baik. Choir extracurricular activities held at SMA KP 3 Paseh, Bandung Regency. Success continues to be achieved by the students of SMA KP 3 Paseh. Achievements that have been achieved include 2nd place in the nasyid singing competition at High School in Bandung Regency and the champion of the West Java Pavilion choir at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta. This study aims to determine, describe, and analyze the learning process in the choir extracurricular through the google classroom application at SMA KP 3 Paseh. Qualitative descriptive is a research approach used with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The triangulation process is carried out to test the validity of the data obtained before being analyzed by carrying out the stages of data collection, data presentation, data reduction, which then draws a conclusion. The results showed that the implementation of the choir extracurricular learning process through the google classroom application at SMA KP 3 Paseh was carried out by means of warming up exercises, adjusting body postures, breathing exercises, articulation exercises, intonation exercises, reading song notation exercises, interpretation and character exercises. songs, cohesion and balance exercises. Through the Google Classroom application, members can observe, listen, imitate and continue to try their own song material being taught. Classically it has been said to be successful, but the number of students' completeness only reached 60% with the number of students completing 18 people. This condition gives a real picture to the researcher that the success of the Choir Extracurricular training through the Google Classroom Application at SMA KP 3 Paseh, Bandung Regency, is in the category: enough. Should prepare all facilities and infrastructure to deliver learning materials using the Google Classroom application so that training participants can understand the material well. Keywords: Training, Extracurricular, Choir, Google Classroom

Item Type: Thesis (D3)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pelatihan, Ekstrakurikuler, Paduan Suara, Google Classroom
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
M Music and Books on Music > M Music
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Seni dan Desain > Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Musik
Depositing User: Novianti Ainurokhim
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2021 01:40
Last Modified: 06 Oct 2021 01:40

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