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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara komprehensif, dan diperolehnya konjektur (teori substantif) yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan berpikir kritis, serta kreatif matematis siswa berdasarkan level kemampuan matematis. Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif berjenis case study dengan desain Grounded Theory (GT) prosedur sistematis, karena desain penelitian ini adalah GT, maka dalam menganalisis data dilakukan tiga tahap yaitu: open coding, axial coding, dan selective coding dengan bantuan softwer NVivo 12 plus. Partisipan yang terlibat berjumlah 35 orang siswa, dengan instrumen penelitian berupa tes kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan kreatif serta pedoman wawancara semi terstruktur. Wawancara dilakukan secara mendalam berdasarkan kriteria level kemampuan matematis (sedang, tinggi, dan sangat tinggi) sampai data jenuh. Kejenuhan data terjadi pada saat wawancara ke-15. Uji reliabilitas kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan kreatif digunakan untuk menguji tema, kategori, dan sub kategori yang dilakukan oleh dua coder dengan nilai Cohen’s kappa ≥ 0,65, maka koding yang dibuat reliabel. Hasil penelitian kemampuan berpikir kritis ditemukan (1) 847 kode, 78 sub kategori, 9 kategori, dan 4 tema; (2) siswa level kemampuan matematis sedang masih mengalami kesulitan, dan kekeliruan dalam membangun makna serta dalam memeriksa pemahaman dasar konsep ; (3) siswa level kemampuan matematis tinggi lebih teliti dalam menyelesaikan masalah, setiap argumen, analisis, penalaran, dan strategi di evaluasi dalam memeriksa dasar konsep yang digunakan; (4) siswa level kemampuan matematis sangat tinggi memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis sangat bervariasi, dan mampu memberikan alternatif solusi pada penyelesaian masalah yang serupa; (5) analisis grounded theory menghasilkan suatu rumusan teoritik antara level kemampuan matematis, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis, yakni semakin tinggi level kemampuan matematis, maka semakin beragam pola pikir kritis siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah aplikasi turunan fungsi aljabar. Sedangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif ditemukan: (6) 799 kode, 79 sub kategori, 6 kategori, dan 3 tema; (7) siswa level kemampuan matematis sedang ditemukan masih kurang kemampuan berpikir kreatif pada aspek penyelesaian masalah, pengembangan strategi, membangun ide unik serta memberi contoh unik; (8) siswa level kemampuan matematis tinggi lebih teliti dalam aspek menyelesaikan masalah, sehingga aspek pengembangan strategi, membangun ide unik, memberi contoh unik, argumen, dan penalaran sudah mulai mengarah ke kemampuan berpikir kreatif; (9) siswa level kemampuan matematis sangat tinggi selain teliti dalam proses penyelesaian masalah, strategi penyelesaian masalah yang unik, dan beragam, partisipan juga mampu membangun ide unik dalam setiap persoalan yang diberikan, serta dapat mengutarakan argumen yang bervariasi; 10) analisis grounded theory menghasilkan suatu rumusan teoritik antara level kemampuan matematis, dan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis pada suatu kelompok, yakni semakin tinggi level kemampuan matematis, maka semakin beragam pola pikir kreatif siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah aplikasi turunan fungsi aljabar. This study aims to describe and obtain conjectures comprehensively (substantive theory) that related to student mathematical critical and creative thinking skills level based on the level of mathematical ability. This research is a qualitative case study with a systematic procedure Grounded Theory (GT) design, because the design of this research is GT, then the data analysis is carried out in three stages, namely: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding with the help of the NVivo 12 plus software. There were 35 students involved as participants in this research. The research instruments were in the form of tests of critical and creative thinking skills and semi-structured interview guidelines. Interviews were conducted deeply based on the criteria for the level of mathematical ability (moderate, high, and very high) until the data was saturated. Data saturation occurred at the 15th interview. The reliability test of critical and creative thinking skills was used to test themes, categories, and subcategories carried out by two coders with a Cohen's kappa value is 0.65, therefore, the coding made was reliable. The results of the research found (1) 847 codes, 78 subcategories, 9 categories, and 4 themes; (2) students with moderate level of mathematical ability still experience difficulties and mistakes in constructing meaning and in checking basic understanding of concepts; (3) students with high mathematical ability levels are more thorough in solving problems, every argument, analysis, reasoning, and strategy is evaluated in examining the basic concepts used; (4) students with a very high level of mathematical ability have very varied critical thinking abilities and can provide alternative solutions to solving similar problems; (5) grounded theory analysis produces a theoretical formulation between the level of mathematical ability and critical thinking ability, it means that the higher level of mathematical ability, students will more deserve critical thinking patterns in solving the application problems of algebraic function derivatives. Meanwhile, creative thinking skills were found: (6) 799 codes, 79 sub categories, 6 categories and 3 themes; (7) students with moderate level of mathematical ability were found that lack of the ability to think creatively in the aspects of problem solving, strategy development, building unique ideas and giving unique examples; (8) students with a high level of mathematical ability are more thorough in the aspect of solving problems, so that aspects of developing strategies, building unique ideas, giving unique examples, argumentation and reasoning have started to lead to creative thinking abilities; (9) students with a very high level of mathematical ability besides being thorough in the problem solving process, unique and diverse problem solving strategies, participants are also able to build unique ideas in each given problem, and can express varied arguments; 10) grounded theory analysis resulted in a theoretical formulation between the level of mathematical ability and mathematical creative thinking ability in a group, namely the higher the level of mathematical ability, the more diverse the creative thinking patterns of students in solving algebraic function derivative application problems.

Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kemampuan berpikir kritis, kemampuan berpikir kreatif, grounded theory, NVivo 12 plus, level kemampuan matematis, aplikasi turunan fungsi aljabar.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Q Science > QA Mathematics
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika > Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Depositing User: Marzuki
Date Deposited: 02 Sep 2021 08:13
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2021 08:13

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