Novriyanto, - (2019) DAYA DUKUNG DUSUN BAMBU FAMILY LEISURE PARK SEBAGAI WISATA EKOLOGI. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Wisata ekologi Dusun Bambu Family Leisure Park merupakan lokasi wisata ekologi yang telah memberikan banyak manfaat bagi pemerintah dan aktivitas perekonomian setempat. Namun sayangnya, kegiatan wisata ekologi cenderung menjadi kegiatan massal. Wisata massal ini menguntungkan secara ekonomi namun memberikan dampak buruk bagi kawasan konservasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya dukung lingkungan yang didasarkan pada jumlah optimal pengunjung di areal wisata dan mengkaji strategi pengembangannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif, teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah (1) penilaian terhadap daya dukung lingkungan sebagaimana dikembangkan oleh Cifuentes; (2) penilaian terhadap indikator persepsi pelaku wisata ekologi yaitu aktivitas di kawasan wisata ekologi, daya tarik wisata ekologi, pelayanan sarana dan prasarana wisata ekologi yang diurutkan berdasarkan skala likert (3) identifikasi upaya yang dapat dilakukan pengelola dalam mengembangkan wisata ekologi dengan menggunakan matrik SWOT. Pada perhitungan Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC) jumlah maksimum pengunjung secara fisik tercukupi yaitu 5.416 Orang/Hari, perhitungan Real Carrying Capacity (RCC) adalah 1357 Orang/Hari sedangkan Effective Carrying Capacity (ECC) adalah 1129 Orang/Hari, lebih besar dari jumlah kunjungan rata-rata yaitu 966 orang perhari belum melewati ambang batas terancamnya lingkungan. Berdasarkan klasifikasi jenis daya dukung sangat besar, jumlah wisatawan masih dibawah daya dukung maka area obyek wisata tersebut masih dapat dikembangkan lagi. Hasil rata-rata dari persentase indikator presepsi pelaku wisata ekologi sebanyak 8% meyatakan rendah, 14% agak rendah, 26% sedang, 30% agak tinggi, 22% sangat tinggi dapat kita simpulkan bahwa 78% (agak tinggi). Berdasarkan Hasil Analisis SWOT, upaya pengembangan yang telah dilakukan oleh pengelola adalah menambah fasilitas outbound, memperbanyak jenis atraksi kesenian lokal dan mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif masyarakat lokal. Ecological tourism of Dusun Bambu Family Leisure Park is an ecological tourism location that has provided many benefits for the government and local economic activities. But unfortunately, ecological tourism activities tend to become mass activities. This mass tourism is economically beneficial but has a negative impact on conservation areas. This study aims to determine the carrying capacity of the environment based on the optimal number of visitors in the tourist area and to assess its development strategy. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative, the analysis techniques used are (1) assessment of the carrying capacity of the environment as developed by Cifuentes; (2) assessment of perceptual indicators of ecological tourism actors, namely activities in ecological tourism areas, ecological tourism attractions, ecological tourism facilities and infrastructure services, which are sorted based on a Likert scale (3) identifying efforts that can be made by managers in developing ecological tourism using the SWOT matrix . In the calculation of Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC), the maximum number of visitors physically is sufficient, namely 5,416 people / day, the calculation of Real Carrying Capacity (RCC) is 1357 people / day while the effective carrying capacity (ECC) is 1129 people / day, which is greater than the number of visits. an average of 966 people per day has not passed the environmental threat threshold. Based on the classification of the type of carrying capacity is very large, the number of tourists is still below the carrying capacity, so the tourism area can still be developed again. The average result of the percentage of perceptions indicators of ecological tourism actors as much as 8% states that it is low, 14% is a little low, 26% is moderate, 30% is a bit high, 22% is very high. We can conclude that 78% (rather high). Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the development efforts that have been made by the manager are adding outbound facilities, increasing the types of local art attractions and developing the creative economy of the local community.

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Wisata Ekologi, Daya Dukung Wisata ekologi, Presepsi Pelaku wisata
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Pendidikan Geografi-S1
Depositing User: Novriyanto
Date Deposited: 29 Mar 2021 06:49
Last Modified: 29 Mar 2021 06:49

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