Elyarti Tirta Wiharsono, - (2020) REPRESENTASI LEKSEM HEWAN DALAM PERIBAHASA KOREA (Sokdam) 속담: SEBUAH KAJIAN SEMANTIK. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya pendidikan budaya, tidak hanya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi tetapi juga memperkuat motivasi peserta didik asing untuk belajar bahasa Korea, terutama dari salah satu materi ajar yang sangat erat hubungannya dengan budaya adalah peribahasa. Peribahasa merupakan bentuk bahasa yang mengandung nilai budaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk merepresentasikan peribahasa Korea yang berhubungan dengan hewan ternak, terdiri dari ayam, babi, domba, kuda dan sapi melalui kajian semantik. Data penelitian tersebut diambil dari buku (Sokdam Sajeon) 속담 사전 yang ditulis oleh Hyo Riwon (2017), data-data tersebut penulis kumpulkan melalui teknik studi pustaka dan analisis isi lalu dikaji menggunakan makna konseptual dan makna konotatif seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Kim (2015), makna simbol hewan pada peribahasa Korea serta klasifikasi bentuk struktur makna peribahasa Korea yang dikemukakan Kim (1994). Hasil analisa data dalam penelitian menunjukan bahwa peribahasa sapi mendominasi, yakni 19 peribahasa (34%) mengandung unsur kehidupan, pepatah, pujian dan sindiran. Makna simbol ayam, babi, domba dan sapi menunjukan konotasi yang baik dan konotasi yang kurang baik. Namun pada peribahasa kuda, simbol kuda hanya memberi makna simbol hal yang baik, seperti kekuatan, kerja keras, kemampuan, kecepatan dll. Klasifikasi bentuk struktur makna sederhana atau (dansunhyeong) 단순형 dan bentuk bertingkat atau (sangseunghyeong) 상승형 mendominasi, yakni masing-masing 21 peribahasa (38%). Namun bentuk struktur makna simetris atau (daechinghyeong) 대칭형, tidak ditemukan, maka menunjukan bahwa struktur makna peribahasa cenderung paten. Kata Kunci: Peribahasa Korea, Peribahasa Hewan, Bentuk Struktur Makna Peribahasa Korea   ABSTRACT This study is conducted due to the importance of cultural education which aims not only to improve the communication skills but also to strengthen the motivation of foreign students to learn Korean. Proverb is a form of language that contains cultural values and is one of the teaching materials that are closely related to culture. This study is qualitative descriptive in nature and aims to analyze Korean proverbs related to livestock consisting of chickens, pigs, sheep, horses and cows through semantic study. The data source of this research is the book (Sokdam Sajeon) written by Hyo Riwon (2017) and the data was collected by the writer through literature study and content analysis techniques which then studied using conceptual meaning and connotative meaning as suggested by Kim (2015), animal symbol in Korean proverb, and the classification of structure of the meaning of Korean proverbs which were also proposed by Kim (1994). The results of the analysis show that the proverbs that present cow are the largest in number by 19 proverbs (34%). They mainly contain elements of life, advice, praise and satire. Proverbs that present chicken, pig, sheep and cow symbolizes positive and negative values, however, when horse is presented in a proverb, it only symbolizes positive values, such as strength, hard work, ability, speed etc. The classification of simple meaning structure forms or (dansunhyeong) 단순형 and stratified form or (sangseunghyeong) 상승형dominates in number by 21 proverbs each (38%). However, symmetrical meaning structure form or (daechinghyeong) 대칭형, was not found, it shows that meaning structure of proverb tends to be fixed. Keywords: Korean Proverb, Animal Proverb, Meaning Structure Form of Korean proverb   초록 본 연구는 특히 문화와 밀접한 관련이 있는 교재 중 하나에서 나온 말로서 의사소통 능력 향상뿐만 아니라 외국 학생들이 한국어를 배우도록 동기부여를 강화하고자 하는 문화 교육의 중요성에 의욕을 갖게 된 것이다. 속담은 문화적 가치를 포함하는 언어의 한 형태이다. 본 연구는 의미적 연구를 통해 닭, 돼지, 양, 말, 소로 구성된 한국의 가축 관련 속담을 대표할 수 있는 정성적 서술 연구이다. 연구자료는 효리원(2017)이 저술한 “속담사전”에서 따온 것으로, 저자는 문헌연구 기법과 내용분석을 통해 이 자료들을 수집한 뒤 김 교수(2015)가 제시한 개념적 의미와 함축적 의미, 김 교수(1994 년)가 제시한 한국 속담에서 동물 상징의 의미와 한국 속담의 의미구조를 이용해 연구이다. 연구 자료 분석 결과는 소의 속담 19개(34%)가 지배하는 것으로 나타났는데, 즉, 19개의 속담은 삶의 요소, 속담, 칭찬, 풍자를 담고 있다. 닭, 돼지, 양, 소의 상징의 의미는 좋은 의미와 나쁜 의미를 보여준다. 그러나 말속담에서 말 기호는 힘, 근면, 능력, 속도 등 좋은 것만 상징한다. 단순형과 상승형의 분류가 지배적이며, 각각 21개의 속담(38%)이 있다. 그러나, 어떤 대칭형을 발견되지 않았으며, 속담의 의미 구조가 특허인 경향이 있음을 나타내다. 기준어 내부색인법 : 한국 속담, 동물 속담, 한국 속담의 의미의 구조 형태

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Peribahasa Korea, Peribahasa Hewan, BentukStruktur Makna Peribahasa Korea
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra > Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Korea
Date Deposited: 03 Feb 2021 04:13
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2021 06:25

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