
Kebijakan PKB pada tataran mikro masih menghadapi masalah (a) kompetensi guru tidak kunjung beranjak naik, (b) ribuan guru mandek di golongan IVa, dan (c) kemampuan guru dalam publilasi karya ilmiah masih perlu ditingkatkan. Harapannya PKB mempunyai konsekuensi logis (implikasi) terhadap kenaikan pangkat guru baik dalam tahapan perencanaan , pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Karena itu, perlu dilakukan studi mengenai implementasi kebijakan PKB dan implikasi terhadap kenaikan pangkat guru PNS yang bertujuan memperoleh gambaran implementasi kebijakan PKB, memperoleh gambaran implikasi PKB terhadap kenaikan pangkat guru, dan merumuskan model hipotetik kenaikan pangkat guru sebagai implikasi dari implementasi kebijakan PKB. Studi ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif campuran dengan the embedded design yang mengkombinasikan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif secara bersamaan atau berurutan. Data tersebut dikumpulkan dari entitas Dinas Pendidikan dan 3 (tiga) satuan pendidikan dengan mempergunakan wawancara, studi dokumetasi, diskusi kelompok terfokus dan kuesioner. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan pola kerja interpretatif sebagaimana lazimnya dilakukan dalam penelitian kualitatif sehingga ditemukan bahwa (1) implementasi kebijakan PKB dalam perencanaannya dikuatkan oleh berbagai regulasi, struktur program perencanaan mempunyai fokus sasaran peningkatan mutu pembelajaran, perencanaan program melibatkan MGMP tetapi perencanaan tersebut belum menangani sasaran guru yang mandeg di golongan IVA. Dalam pelaksanan kebijakan PKB dilaksanakan pengembangan diri oleh Dinas Pendidikan dan temu kolektif oleh MGMP, tetapi belum ada koordinator PKB di Dinas Pendidikan, selain itu ditemukan masalah rendahnya kemampuan guru dalam menulis karya ilmiah sebagai salah unsur penting PKB. Dalam evaluasi kebijakan PKB, Dinas Pendidikan mengendalikan daftar usulan kenaikan pangkat guru dan satuan pendidikan namun belum mengoptimalkan kinerja perangkat penyelenggaraannya sehingga kenaikan pangkat guru belum tertata secara optimal; (2) Implikasi implementasi kebijakan PKB terlihat pada tahap perencanaan bahwa guru mengeksplorasi proses kenaikan pangkat melalui perolehan angka kredit dari PKG dan angka kredit PKB; pada tahap pelaksanaan guru menetapkan tujuan kinerjanya , menginginkan strategi pencapaian yang difasilitasi oleh satuan pendidikan, sikap guru terhadap pelaksanaan PKB beragam sesuai dengan masa kerja dan usia kerja, guru cenderung tidak bisa melaksanakan pengembangan diri, publikasi karya ilmiah dan karya inovatif secara mandiri karena mereka merasa kelebihan beban kerja; dan pada tahapan evaluasi lebih bersifat administratif daripada diagnostik; (3) rumusan model hipotetik kenaikan pangkat guru diajukan berdasarkan pendekatan sistem yang mempunyai komponen utama: input—proses—output— outcome. Rekomendasi dari temuan penelitian ini bahwa implementasi kebijakan PKB perlu dibenahi sehingga berimplikasi terhadap peningkatan kenaikan guru di satuan pendidikan. ABSTRACT Keyword: Implementation of Policies, PKB, Promotion management, planning, implementation and evaluation on promotion management PKB policies on the micro levels still has complex problems, such as (a) there are no significant improvement in teachers’ competency, (b) there are thousands of teachers who stagnates on the IVA level, and (c) teachers’ competency in academic publications need major improvements. PKB is expected to have implications through teacher promotion management, whether in planning, implementation, and evaluation. In order to meet the expectation, the study about the policies of PKB implementation and the implication towards teachers’ promotion, especially those are whose work as civil servants, are important to do. The aims of this study are to get the bigger picture about the implementation of PKB policies, the implication of PKB policies towards teacher promotion management, and to design a hypothetical model of teacher promotion management. This study is a qualitative research that is combined with the embedded design, which combines quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously or sequentially. The data are then collected from the Department of Education and 3 (three) cases of educational units that are explored through interviews, documentary studies, focus group discussions, and questionnaires. The collected data are analysed by interpretive work pattern, and it was found that (1) the implementation of PKB policies in the planning is strengthened by a number of regulations, the structure of the planning program focus to the improvement of the learning quality, MGMP is involved in the planning program but the it has not reach the goal to handle the teachers who stagnate in the IVA level. In the implementation of PKB policies, the Department of Education conducts the self-development program and collective meeting by MGMP. However, there are no coordinator for PKB. Furthermore, teacher’s incompetences to write academic writing is found and listed as one of the biggest problems in PKB. In the evaluation of PKB policies, the Department of Education controls the list of the submission of teachers promotion and the education units has not used the implementation tools, resulting in the teacher promotion management that is not optimally arranged; (2) the implications of PKB policies implementation can be seen in planing and teachers have been explored their promotion development through the acquisition of credit numbers from PKG and PKB. In the implementation of their promotion, teachers set their performance goals, aim to get the achievement strategy through facilitations from the education unit. Teacher’s attitudes towards the implementation of PKB vary according to work period and working age. Teachers tend to not be able to carry out self-development, publication of academic works and innovative works are done independently because they feel overworked; and promotion evaluation is more administrative than diagnostic; (3) the formulation of the hypothetical model of teachers promotion management is proposed based on the system approach that has its main component: input - process - outputs - outcomes. The recommendation from the analysis of this study is that the implementation of the PKB policies are need to be addressed, so that they can be applied to the management of teacher education in educational units.

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Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Implementasi Kebijakan, Manajemen Kenaikan Pangkat, PKB, Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan dan Evaluasi Kenaikan Pangkat Guru Implementation of Policies, PKB, Promotion management, planning, implementation and evaluation on promotion management
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Administrasi Pendidikan S-3
Depositing User: Yuli Nurhayati
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2020 02:06
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2020 02:06

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