PENGARUH TOURIST EXPERIENCE TERHADAP REVISIT INTENTION : Survei terhadap wisatawan nusantara yang berkemah di Ranca Upas Kabupaten Bandung

Bella Maysela, - (2019) PENGARUH TOURIST EXPERIENCE TERHADAP REVISIT INTENTION : Survei terhadap wisatawan nusantara yang berkemah di Ranca Upas Kabupaten Bandung. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Bella Maysela (1505773). “Pengaruh Tourist Experience Terhadap Revisit Intention” (Survei terhadap wisatawan nusantara yang berkemah di Ranca Upas Kabupaten Bandung), dibawah bimbingan Dr. H. Hari Mulyadi, M.Si dan Yeni Yuniawati, S.Pd.,MM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tourist experience yang terdiri dari hedonic, novelty, safety, beauty, relational dan refreshment terhadap revisit intention di Ranca Upas. Variabel bebas (X) dalam penelitian ini adalah tourist experience yang terdiri dari beberapa sub dimensi yaitu hedonic, novelty, safety, beauty, relational dan refreshment serta yang menjadi variabel terikat (Y) adalah revisit intention. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 400 responden yang merupakan wisatawan nusantara yang berkemah ke Ranca Upas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda. Pelaksanaan tourist experience di Ranca Upas, dimensi refreshment mendapatkan penilaian tertinggi dan dimensi safety mendapatkan penilaian terendah. Kemudian tanggapan mengenai revisit intention di Ranca Upas berada pada kateori tinggi, dimensi likelihood to recommend the others mendapatkan penilaian tertinggi dan dimensi likehood to visit again dan likelihood to be the first choice for future visit mendapatkan penilaian yang sama. Hasil menunjukkan adanya pengaruh antara tourist experience terhadap revisit intention. Kata Kunci : Tourist Experience, Revisit Intention, Hedonic, Novelty, Safety, Beauty, Relational, Refreshment, Ranca Upas. Bella Maysella, 1505773, “The Impact of Tourist Experience Towards Revisit Intention (A Survey on local tourist who decided to camp in Ranca Upas Kabupaten Bandung)”, on a guidance by Dr. H. Hari Mulyadi, M.Si and Yeni Yuniawati, S.Pd.,MM. This research is aimed to analyze the impact of tourist experience which consist of hedonic, novelty, safety, beauty, relational and refreshment towards the revisit intention on Ranca Upas. The independent variable (X) of this research is tourist experience among with the hedonic, novelty, safety, beauty, relational and refreshment as the sub dimension of the variable, while the revisit intention is the dependent variable (Y) in this research. The type of the research which used in this research are descriptive and verificative type of research. This research also uses the quantitative approach with 400 respondents who were the local tourists decided to camp in Ranca Upas. Refreshment gain the highest score while the safety is the lowest score on the research as the sub variable of independent variable. The revisit intention at Ranca Upas is also the highest score in the category, by the likehood to recommend the others as the highest score and the likelihood to visit again and likelihood to be the first choice for the future visit has the same score. In conclusion, this research approved that there is a big impact towards each other among the tourist experience and revisit intention. Keywords : Tourist Experience, Revisit Intention, Hedonic, Novelty, Safety, Beauty, Relational, Refreshment, Ranca Upas.

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tourist Experience, Revisit Intention, Hedonic, Novelty, Safety, Beauty, Relational, Refreshment, Ranca Upas
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure
L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Manajemen Pemasaran Pariwisata
Depositing User: Bella Maysela
Date Deposited: 21 Jul 2020 03:03
Last Modified: 21 Jul 2020 03:03

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