Archita, Giska Nabila (2013) ANALISIS KESULITAN BELAJAR SISWA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


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Kesulitan belajar siswa adalah keadaan perilaku belajar siswa yang mengalami hambatan dan kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan perilaku dengan tuntutan dalam belajarnya sehingga proses kegiatan belajarnya terganggu serta tidak mendapatkan hasil sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Layanan bimbingan yang tepat dalam membantu siswa mengatasi kesulitan belajar adalah layanan bimbingan belajar. Tujuan penelitian: (1) Memperoleh gambaran umum kesulitan belajar siswa kelas X SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013; (2) Memperoleh gambaran aspek-aspek kesulitan belajar siswa kelas X SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode penelitian yaitu metode deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung tahun ajaran 2012/2013 yang berjumlah 131 siswa dengan random sampling. Hasil penelitian sebagian besar kesulitan belajar siswa berada pada kategori sedang. Rekomendasi penelitian: (1) Pihak Sekolah mampu mengembangkan dan memfasilitasi layanan bimbingan dan konseling, khususnya layanan bimbingan belajar melalui program-program kesiswaan yang dapat membantu untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa; (2) Guru BK/konselor dapat mengembangkan dan mengaplikasikan hasil dari penelitian berupa program bimbingan belajar untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa kelas X SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung tahun ajaran 2012/2013; (3) Peneliti selanjutnya dapat membandingkan gambaran umum kesulitan belajar siswa sekolah menengah atas pada setiap jenjang kelas, gender, dan tingkat prestasi, sehingga gambaran yang dihasilkan cenderung dinamis dan menyeluruh; menggunakan pendekatan dan metode penelitian yang lebih beragam untuk meneliti kesulitan belajar siswa pada setiap jenjang pendidikan (SD, SMP, SMA, dan PT); melaksanakan uji coba empiris untuk menguji keefektifan program bimbingan belajar untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa pada setiap jenjang pendidikan (SD, SMP, SMA, dan PT). Difficulty of study is study behaviour situation in which student has fences and difficulties in adapt their behaviour with arraignment of their studies, so that the studying process could be disturbed and its result to they could not achieve the expected result for their studies. The appropriate guidance service for helping those kind of students is the studying guidance service. The aims of this research are: (1) To get the common picture of the difficulty of study from grade X’s student in SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung for years of study 2012/2013; (2) To get the proper picture of the difficulty of study aspects from grade X’s student in SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung for years of study 2012/2013. This research approach use a quantitative approach. This research use a descriptive method. The research subjects are the grade X’s students in SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung for years of study 2012/2013 that amount to 131 students with a randomly sampling. This research result shows that the considerable part of the difficulty of study be in a moderate/medium category. The recommendations for the research are: (1) The School sides could develop and facilitate the guidance and counselling services, especially the study guidance service through student programs in which the difficulty of study could be handled; (2) BK teachers / counsellors could develop and apply the research results as a study guidance program to handle the difficulty of study in grade X’s student in SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung for years of study 2012/2013; (3) The next researcher could compare the common picture of the difficulty of study for the senior high school student in every stage of grades, genders, and the achievement levels, so that the resulted picture could be inclined comprehensive and dynamicly; use a variated approaches and methods to examine the student’s difficulty of study in every stage of education (SD, SMP, SMA, and PT); do an empirical examination to examine the effectiveness of study guidance service to handle student’s difficulty of study in every stage of education (SD, SMP, SMA, and PT).

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: ?? BK ??
Divisions: ?? BK ??
Depositing User: DAM STAF Editor
Date Deposited: 02 Dec 2013 08:05
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2013 08:05

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