Praksis pembangunan yang berlangsung saat ini belum menunjukkan keseimbangan antaraspek kehidupan, dimana pengembangan ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan lingkungan masih berjalan secara parsial. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji, mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis konstruksi sosial warga Bandung atas makna pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam perpektif pendidikan kewarganegaraan, meliputi; bagaimana warga Bandung mengkonstruksi makna pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam perspektif pendidikan kewarganegaraan, posisi media sosial sebagai sarana diskursus sosial warga Bandung atas makna pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam perspektif pendidikan kewarganegaraan, realitas sosial yang hendak dibangun oleh warga Bandung atas makna pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam perspektif pendidikan kewarganegaraan, serta implikasinya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat demokratis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi. Lokasi penelitian terletak di Kota Bandung dengan subjek penelitian terdiri dari tiga unsur antara lain; masyarakat/pengguna media sosial, pemerintah Kota Bandung, dan pakar/akademisi. Data yang dihimpun melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan model analisis Van Kaam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; (1) pembangunan di Kota Bandung cenderung infrastructure minded, mengesampingkan aspek lingkungan, menampilkan disfungsi taman kota, serta menciptakan budaya simularka/mengambang; (2) media sosial sebagai sarana diskursus sosial melibatkan berbagai motif, proses penyiapan materi dari mulai impuls, persepsi, manipulasi dan penyelesaian yang berlangsung secara dialektis dengan menampilkan pola komunikasi yang berbeda; (3) realitas sosial yang hendak dibangun oleh warga Bandung atas pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah pembangunan yang berjiwa, kolaboratif, partisipatif, menunjukkan jatidiri dan nilai kearifan lokal Bandung sebagai norma dasar, serta merupakan gerakan sosial produktif guna menghasilkan kota yang genah, merenah, tumaninah; (4) kekuatan media sosial yang telah mendorong terciptanya kultur demokrasi digital melalui penciptaan ruang publik virtual berimplikasi positif bagi kedewasaan berdemokrasi, dimana antarwarga dapat saling berdiskusi dan bertukargagasan tanpa terbatas ruang dan waktu guna membangun pemikiran kolektif yang menawarkan harapan baru dalam pembangunan. Karena itu, peneliti merekomendasikan; (1) pemerintah harus lebih peka terhadap masukan warga sehingga pembangunan mencerminkan kebutuhan dan harapan masyarakat; (2) pemerintah melakukan edukasi untuk meningkatkan internet lteracy warga; (3) perlu dibangun sebuah paradigma baru dalam pendidikan kewarganegaraan bahwa warganegara bukan hanya siswa, tetapi masyarakat di luar sekolah yang hidup dalam segala situasi dan kompleksitas permasalahan; (4) perlu dilakukan kajian lanjutan mengenai gerakan transnasionalisme melalui media sosial dan implikasinya terhadap mutu demokrasi berdasarkan jatidiri bangsa Indonesia. ----- The praxis of development today has not demonstrated a balance the aspects of life, such as economic, social cultural, and environmental development. Each of them is still running independently. This study aims at examining, identifying, and analyzing the social construction of Bandung residents regarding the meaning of sustainable development in the perspective of citizenship education, including; social construction of sustainable development, position of social media as a medium of social discourse, social reality built by Bandung municipal residents, and the implications for democratic people's life. All of them are studied in the perspective of citizenship education. This study uses a qualitative approach and phenomenological method. The research is located in the Bandung Municipal City with the research subjects consisting of three elements: social media community members, the officials of government of Bandung municipality, and experts/academicians. The data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation studies before they were analyzed using the analytical models of Van Kaam. The results show (1) the development of Bandung City tends to orient to the infrastructure, override the environmental aspects, dysfunction the city parks, and create the simularca culture in its development; (2) the residents of Bandung city uses social media as a medium of social construction of reality involving a variety of motifs, the material preparation such as the impulse, perception, manipulation, and settlement taking place dialectically by displaying different communication patterns; (3) the social reality built by the residents of Bandung city regarding the meaning of sustainable development is the soulful, collaborative, and participative development. Also, the development of Bandung city is expected to represent the identity, value of local wisdom as the basic norm, and social movement in order to produce the city of “genah, merenah, tumaninah”; and (4) the power of social media in Bandung city which has prompted a culture of digital democracy through the creation of virtual public spaces has given positive implications for the maturity of democracy, where the residents can discuss and exchange ideas without being constrained by space and time to build the collective thinking that offers new hopes in the development of Bandung city. Therefore, the researcher recommends; (1) the government should be more sensitive to suggestions of its citizens so that the development reflects the needs and expectations of the citizens; (2) the government should educate its citizens to improve their internet literacy; (3) it is necessary that the academics of citizenship education nurture a new paradigm in which citizens are not only students but also the people outside the school who live in all circumstances and complexity of the issues; and (4) it is necessary that the future researchers conduct further research on transnationalism movement through social media and its .
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Item Type: | Thesis (eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd) |
Additional Information: | No. Panggil: D PKn SAE k-2017; Pembimbing: I. Karim Suryadi, II. Elly Malihah; NIM: 1402303 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | konstruksi sosial, pembangunan berkelanjutan, demokrasi, social construction, sustainable development, democracy. |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan S-3 |
Depositing User: | Mr. Arif Rezkyana Nugraha |
Date Deposited: | 07 Aug 2018 04:17 |
Last Modified: | 07 Aug 2018 04:17 |
URI: | |
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