Application Of Five-Stage Conceptual Teaching Model By Utilizing Cmaptools To Analyze Conceptual Change And Cognitive Learning Outcomes On Light And Optics Topic

Rofiuddin, Muhammad Rifqi (2014) Application Of Five-Stage Conceptual Teaching Model By Utilizing Cmaptools To Analyze Conceptual Change And Cognitive Learning Outcomes On Light And Optics Topic. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


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Science teachers need to help students identify their prior ideas and modify them based on scientific knowledge. This process is called as conceptual change. One of essential tools to analyze students’ conceptual change is by using concept map. Concept Maps are graphical representations of knowledge that are comprised of concepts and the relationships between them. Constructing concept map is implemented by adapting the role of technological information and communication, as it is suitable with Educational Ministry Regulation No.68 year 2013 that stated the aids of multimedia to support learning process.Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) has developed CmapTools, a client-server software for easily construct and visualize concept maps. This research aims to investigate secondary students’ conceptual change and cognitive learning outcomes after experiencing five-stage conceptual teaching model by utilizingCmapTools in learning Light and Optics. Convergent parallel mixed method is implemented in order to collect and assess conceptual change as qualitative data and cognitive learning outcomes as quantitative data. Sample was taken purposively (n= 22 students)at grade VIII in an International School Bandung, West Java. Conceptual change based on comparison of preliminary and post concept map construction is assessed based on rubric of concept map scoring and structure whereas cognitive learning outcomes is assessed based on normality gain in each cognitive level from C1 (remembering) until C4 (analyzing) aspect. Results shows significance conceptual change differences at 50.92 % that is elaborated into concept map element based on Novak and Gowin’s criteria such as prepositions and hierarchical level in high category, cross links in medium category and specific examples in low category. Strong correlation coefficient (rxy= 0.78) illustrates the implementation of five-stage conceptual teaching model by utilizingCmapTools in helping students to construct concept map is capable to improve secondary students’ cognitive learning outcomes in high category that is obtained based on normalized gain value <g = 0.86>. All of the results are supported with the students’ positive response towards CmapTools utilization that indicates improvement of motivation, interest, and behavior aspect towards Physics lesson. Key words: Five-Stage Conceptual Teaching Model, Conceptual Change, Cognitive Learning Outcomes, Concept Map, CmapTools, Light and Optics Tenagapendidiksainsdiperlukanuntukmembantudalammengidentifikasidanmemodifikasikonsepsiawalsiswaberdasarkanpengetahuanilmiahmelalui proses perubahankonseptual. Petakonsepadalahsalahsatualatuntukmenganalisisperubahankonseptualsebagairepresentasigrafis yang tersusunatashubunganantarkonsep.Membangunpetakonsepdapatdiimplementasikandenganmengadaptasiperanteknologidankomunikasi, sebagaimanatertuangdalamPeraturanMenteriPendidikan No. 68 tahun 2013 yang menyatakanpenggunaan multimedia dalam proses pembelajaran. Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) telahmengembangkanCmapTools, sebuah software berbasisklien server yang memberikankemudahandalammemvisualisasikonsep.Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmenginvestigasiperubahankonseptualdanhasilbelajarkognitifsiswamelalauiimplementasi model pembelajarankonseptuallimatahapdenganmenerapkanCmapToolspadatopikCahayadanOptik. ImplementasiMixed method berbasiskonvergen parallel dimaksudkanuntukmengumpulkandanmengevaluasisecarabersamaperubahankonseptualsebagai data kualitatifdanhasilbelajarkognitifsebagai data kuantitatif.Sampelpenilitiandiambilsecarapurposif (n=22) padakelas VIII di sebuahSekolahInternasional, Bandung, Jawa Barat. Perubahankonseptualberdasarkanperbandingankonstruksipetakonsepsebelumdansesudahdievaluasimelaluirubrikskoringdanstruktur, sedangkanhasilbelajarkognitifdaripretesdanposttesdievaluasimelalui gain ternormalisasipadatiaptahapankognitifdari C1 (mengingat) hingga C4 (menganalisis).Hasilmenunjukkanperbedaankonseptual yang signifikansebesar 50.92% yang dielaborasiberdasarkankriteriapetakonsepmenurut Novak danGowinyaituhubungandanstrukturhirarkipadakategoritinggi, hubungansilangpadakatergorisedang, dancontohpadakategorirendah. Besarnyanilaikoefisienkorelasi (rxy= 0.78)menunjukkanbahwapembelajaranlimatahapperubahankonseptualdenganmenerapkanCmapToolsmampuuntukmeningkatkanhasilbelajarkognitifpadakategoritinggi<g=0.78). HasilinididukungolehresponpositifsiswaterhadappenerapanCmapTools yang mengindikasipeningkatanmotivasi, minatdansikapsiswaterhadappembelajaranfisika. Kata Kunci: Model PembelajaranKonseptual Lima Tahap, PerubahanKonseptual, HasilBelajarKognitif, PetaKonsep, CmapTools, CahayadanOptik

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: No Panggil: S IPSE ROF a-2014
Uncontrolled Keywords: Five-Stage Conceptual Teaching Model, Conceptual Change, Cognitive Learning Outcomes, Concept Map, CmapTools, Light and Optics
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > International Program on Science Education
Depositing User: Staff DAM
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2015 07:36
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2015 07:36

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