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ABSTRAK Penelitian sebelumnya menemukan cedera yang seringkali terjadi pada pelari pemula jarak jauh didominasi area ekstemitas bawah yaitu sebanyak 80% disebabkan kelebihan beban, dalam hal ini tendon dan ligamen adalah area yang beresiko karena diperlukan adaptasi yang lebih lama dengan program latihan beban (Van Poppel, Dennis, 2020). Menurut Lum (2016), bahwa perfoma berlari pelari dapat diperoleh dari latihan strength melalui adaptasi neuromuscular yang lebih baik, didukung penelitian lain yang menyebutkan core dan strength training (CST) dapat memperbaiki perfoma dan efisiensi berlari (RE) pelari jarak jauh (Lundstorm, J.C,2017). Beberapa efek yang diperoleh dari aktivitas fisik kebugaran muskuloskeletal melalui aspek Quality of Life (QOL) diantaranya kepuasan hidup, keteraturan tidur, mengurangi stres yang dirasakan, kecemasan dan depresi (Boldt, Patrick., 2018). Peneliti merespon hal ini melalui penelitian mengenai pengaruh latihan kekuatan inti terhadap efisiensi berlari dan peningkatan kualitas hidup pelari jarak jauh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melibatkan 12 sampel pelari rekreasi berusia 30-45 tahun yang diambil dari komunitas lari Teman Sporty dengan pendekatan total sampling. Desain tes digunakan untuk menilai perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan lari yang disertai CST (treatment) dan latihan lari tanpa disertai CST (kontrol). Hasil penelitian berdasarkan uji independent sample t – test untuk variabel running economic dan quality of life perbedaan rata-rata post-test sebesar t =2,479 dengan nilai sig 0,033< 0.05, artinya HO ditolak bahwa terdapat pengaruh perbedaan perlakuan latihan lari yang disertai CST dibandingkan yang latihan lari tanpa CST. Untuk variabel peningkatan QOL ditemukan perbedaan rata-rata pada post-test diperoleh nilai 0.027, dengan nilai asymp Sig (2 tailed) 0.027 lebih kecil dari 0.05 dapat disimpulkan ada perbedaan pengaruh perlakuan CST terhadap peningkatan QOL. Dari hasil kesimpulan yang diperoleh, peneliti mengajukan rekomendasi sebagai berikut : 1) mengembangkan program latihan lari bagi pelari jarak jauh dengan menambahkan perlakuan CST; 2) memasukan pengembangan aspek psikologi dan aspek psikososial dalam menu latihan; 3) untuk meningkatkan jumlah cadence tidak efektif jika diperlakukan CST saja perlu ditambahkan menu ABC drill dan intensitas latihan frekuensi langkah dalam berlari (cadence) pada lintasan jarak lebih pendek, yaitu lintasan 50-100meter; dan 4) penelitian di masa depan harus melibatkan lebih banyak peserta dalam uji coba terkontrol secara acak tentang pengaruh terhadap efisiensi berlari pelari jarak jauh. Kata Kunci :perfoma lari, efisiensi berlari, latihan kekuatan inti, quality of life, kecepatan, VO2 maks, jumlah cadence, pelari jarak jauh, pelari rekreasi ABSTRACT Eighty percents of injuries occurred to the beginner long-distance runners were located in the lower extremity area, especially in tendon and ligament areas. This was happened because of the overload burden of those areas whereas longer adaptation was needed with a weight training programme (Van Poppel, Dennis, 2020). According to Lum (2016), runners' running performance can be improved by strength training through better neuromuscular adaptation. Lundstorm (2017) also mentioned that core and strength training (CST) can improve the performance and running efficiency (RE) of long-distance runners. Physical activity on musculoskeletal fitness can also provide benefits in the Quality of Life (QOL) include life satisfaction, sleep regularity, reducing perceived stress, anxiety and depression (Boldt, Patrick., 2018). This study responded to the abovementioned theories by trying to find the effect of core strength training (CST) on running efficiency and the quality of life of long-distance runners. This study was an experimental study which was conducted by involving 12 samples of recreational runners aged 30-45 years taken from the Teman Sporty running community with a total sampling approach. The test was designed to assess the difference in effect between running training accompanied by CST (treatment) and running training without CST (control). The results of the study based on the independent sample t-test for the variable of running economy and quality of life. The post-test average difference was t = 2.479 with a sig value of 0.033 <0.05, meaning that HO was rejected that there was an effect of differences in the treatment of running exercises accompanied by CST compared to running exercises without CST. For the QOL improvement variable, the average difference in the post-test was found to be 0.027, with an asymp Sig (2 tailed) value of 0.027 smaller than 0.05, therefore it can be concluded that there is a difference in the effect of CST treatment on QOL improvement. From the conclusions obtained, this research proposes recommendations: 1) develop a training programme for long distance runners by adding CST treatment; 2) include the development of psychological aspects and psychosocial aspects in the training menu; 3) add ABC Drill Menu to the CST Training to increase its’ effectiveness in increasing the number of cadence; and 4) future research should involve more participants in randomized controlled trials on the effect on running efficiency of long distance runners. Keywords: running performance, running efficiency, core strength training, quality of life, speed, VO2 max, number of cadences, long distance runners, recreational runners
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Additional Information: | ID SINTA Pembimbing Nina Sutresna 6006453 Dikdik Zafar Sidik 5989589 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | perfoma lari, efisiensi berlari, latihan kekuatan inti, quality of life, kecepatan, VO2 maks, jumlah cadence, pelari jarak jauh, pelari rekreasi running performance, running efficiency, core strength training, quality of life, speed, VO2 max, number of cadences, long distance runners, recreational runners |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Sekolah Pasca Sarjana > Pendidikan Olahraga S-2 |
Depositing User: | IRRISA ROSYID |
Date Deposited: | 01 Oct 2024 09:45 |
Last Modified: | 01 Oct 2024 09:45 |
URI: | |
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