Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Pendeteksi Banjir Berbasis Internet of Things (Studi Kasus di Sungai Cikeas)

Hana Suraya Khairunnisa, - (2024) Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Pendeteksi Banjir Berbasis Internet of Things (Studi Kasus di Sungai Cikeas). S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Bencana banjir merupakan bencana yang terjadi karena debit air sungai yang relatif lebih tinggi daripada biasanya yang menggenangi daerah sekitar. Salah satu bencana banjir terparah terjadi pada awal tahun 2020 yang menggenangi beberapa daerah Jabodetabek. Perumahan Villa Nusa Indah merupakan salah satu perumahan yang terdampak banjir paling parah karena perumahan ini diapit oleh dua sungai, yaitu Sungai Cikeas dan Cileungsi. Tercatat pada sosial media KP2C, tinggi muka pertemuan kedua sungai tersebut mencapai 610 cm. Banjir ini sangat merugikan masyarakat seperti banyaknya kerusakan properti dan dokumen serta penyakit yang menyerang masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan terlambatnya pemberitahuan kepada masyarakat agar segera evakuasi ke tempat yang jauh lebih aman. Untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut, maka dirancang suatu sistem monitoring pendeteksi banjir agar masyarakat dapat segera memperoleh informasi tinggi muka air sungai dan tingkatan bahaya banjir. Sistem monitoring pendeteksi banjir dengan pengimplementasian IoT diperlukan untuk mendeteksi bahaya banjir dan mengirimkan informasi kepada masyarakat secara tepat waktu, dengan menggunakan perangkat keras berupa mikrokontroler ESP8266, sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04, LCD, LED dan buzzer yang diintegrasikan dengan perangkat lunak berupa Blynk IoT dan WhatsApp sebagai media komunikasi. Sistem mendeteksi jarak antara alat dengan permukaan air sungai yang kemudian akan ditampilkan pada LCD dan Blynk. Jika tinggi muka air sungai mengalami peningkatan dan sudah memasuki tingkatan bahaya banjir, sistem akan menyalakan LED dan buzzer dan juga akan mengirimkan pesan peringatan melalui WhatsApp dan Blynk. Sistem monitoring pendeteksi banjir berhasil mengirimkan data secara tepat waktu dengan nilai akurasi sebesar 99,99% dengan skor validitas sangat baik. ----- Floods are disasters that occur due to relatively higher than usual river water discharge that inundates the surrounding area. One of the worst flood disasters occurred in early 2020 which inundated several areas of Jabodetabek. Villa Nusa Indah housing complex is one of the most severely affected by flooding because this housing complex is flanked by two rivers, namely the Cikeas and Cileungsi rivers. Recorded on KP2C social media, the level of the meeting of the two rivers reached 610 cm. This flood was very detrimental to the community such as the many damages to property and documents as well as diseases that attacked the community. This is due to late notification to the community to immediately evacuate to a much safer place. To overcome this, a flood detection monitoring system is designed so that the community can immediately obtain information on river water levels and flood hazard levels. A flood detection monitoring system with IoT implementation is needed to detect flood hazards and send information to the community in a timely manner. The flood detection monitoring system uses hardware in the form of an ESP8266 microcontroller, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, LCD, LED and buzzer integrated with software in the form of Blynk IoT and WhatsApp as a communication media. The system detects the distance between the device and the river water surface which will then be displayed on the LCD and Blynk. If the river water level has increased and has entered the flood danger level, the system will turn on the LED and buzzer and will also send a warning message via WhatsApp and Blynk. The flood detection monitoring system successfully sends data in a timely manner with an accuracy value of 99.99% with a very good validity score.

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Official URL: https://repository.upi.edu/
Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=new_profile&hl=en ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing : DEWI INDRIATI HADI PUTRI : 6720737 ICHWAN NUL ICHSAN : 6721201
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pendeteksi banjir, Blynk, WhatsApp, Internet of Things. Flood detection, Blynk, WhatsApp, Internet of Things
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: UPI Kampus Purwakarta > S1 Sistem Telekomunikasi
Depositing User: Hana Suraya Khairunnisa
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2024 05:03
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2024 05:03
URI: http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/121303

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