Salah satu hal yang penting dalam pendidikan ialah dapat mengembangkan pola pikir seseorang, terutama mengenai pentingnya dalam menjaga lingkungan. Dengan adanya sikap green behavior atau peduli terhadap keadaan lingkungan dapat menjadi salah satu upaya dalam memajukan pendidikan, terutama pendidikan akan keseimbangan alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah guna menggambarkan kondisi green behavior siswa melalui pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup materi pengelolaan sampah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi kasus melalui angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 6 siswa kelas 4 SDN 021 Ciporeat, Kecamatan Ujung Berung , Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian pada tahap keadaan green behavior siswa menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan pada keadaan awal green behavior siswa dengan keadaan akhir green behavior siswa setelah dilakukannya pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup materi pengelolaan sampah, dimana keadaan awal menunjukkan sikap siswa yang masih kurang perduli dengan keadaan kebersihan lingkungan dan diakhir terlihat dengan tindakan siswa yang sudah menunjukkan adanya perubahan hasil dari pemahaman materi pengelolaan sampah. Hasil penelitian pada tahan penerapan green behavior diterapkan melalui pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup ialah dengan melibatkan siswa kedalam kegiatan secara langsung, seperti melibatkan siswa pada kegiatan upaya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan yang tentunya kegiatan tersebut tertuai pada materi pengelolaan sampah. Hasil penelitian dari faktor yang mempengaruhi green behavior siswa pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup, terdapat faktor internal dan ekternal yang mempengaruhi green behavior siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa green behavior dapat ditumbuhkan melalui berbagai upaya, salah satunya dengan memberikan pemahaman kepada siswa melalui pembelajaran di sekolah, seperti pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkingan Hidup materi pengelolaan sampah, yang tentunya materi tersebut akan membuat siswa memiliki pemahaman sekaligus pengetahuan mengenai keadaan lingkungan dan cara agar lingkungan tetap terjaga keseimbangannya. -------------- One of the important things in education is to be able to develop one's mindset, especially regarding the importance of protecting the environment. With a green behavior attitude or caring about environmental conditions can be one of the efforts in advancing education, especially education about the balance of nature. The purpose of this study is to describe the condition of students' green behavior through learning Environmental Education waste management materials. This research uses a qualitative approach using case study research methods through questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of the study were 6 grade 4 students of SDN 021 Ciporeat, Ujung Berung District, Bandung City. The results of research at the stage of student green behavior show that there is a difference in the initial state of student green behavior with the final state of student green behavior after learning Environmental Education waste management material, where the initial state shows the attitude of students who are still less concerned with the state of environmental cleanliness and at the end it is seen with student actions that have shown a change in the results of understanding waste management material. The results of research on the application of green behavior applied through Environmental Education learning are by involving students in activities directly, such as involving students in activities to maintain environmental cleanliness which of course these activities are reaped in waste management materials. The results of the study of factors that affect student green behavior in Environmental Education learning, there are internal and external factors that affect student green behavior. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that green behavior can be grown through various efforts, one of which is by providing understanding to students through learning at school, such as learning Life Environment Education waste management material, which of course the material will make students have an understanding as well as knowledge about the state of the environment and how to keep the environment in balance.
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Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Additional Information: | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=2p6_Mk4AAAAJ&sortby=title&view_op=list_works&gmla=AOAOcb2mO4eNaGIo0hMbhXI4ns50vStggsGrZ7WAyX-CDRks3A55I0myiaPta_d4atUo7sFY8VytxQNTYmgjImql SINTA ID: 6123185 SINTA ID: 6682318 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pembelajaran PLH, green behavior siswa, sekolah dasar, pengelolaan sampah. PLH learning, student green behavior, elementary school, waste management |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) L Education > LB Theory and practice of education L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education |
Divisions: | UPI Kampus cibiru > PGSD UPI Kampus cibiru |
Depositing User: | Evi Setianingsih |
Date Deposited: | 24 Jun 2024 07:59 |
Last Modified: | 24 Jun 2024 07:59 |
URI: | http://repository.upi.edu/id/eprint/118259 |
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