Sri Dewi Rahayu Nurgianti, - (2024) KIPRAH KOMUNITAS HONG DALAM MELESTARIKAN PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL SUNDA DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG (2003 – 2022). S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keresahan penulis terhadap permainan tradisional yang sudah jarang dimainkan, namun dengan hadirnya Komunitas Hong di tengah masyarakat menjadikan permainan tradisional kembali lestari. Penelitian ini sangat penting untuk diteliti karena kurangnya informasi terkait Komunitas Hong. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui latar belakang didirikannya Komunitas Hong pada tahun 2003, faktor pendukung dan penghambat perkembangan Komunitas Hong dalam melestarikan permainan tradisional Sunda di Kabupaten Bandung tahun 2003 – 2022, serta upaya Komunitas Hong dalam mengembangkan dan melestarikan permainan tradisional Sunda di Kabupaten Bandung. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah menurut Sjamsuddin meliputi heuristik, kritik, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, alasan Zaini mendirikan Komunitas Hong pada 2003 karena kekhawatirannya terhadap permainan tradisional yang sudah jarang dimainkan sehingga ia mengajak anak-anak di sekitar rumahnya untuk bermain permainan tradisonal. Kedua, faktor pendukung pada lima tahun pertama saat merintis yaitu munculnya sanggar seni, kepedulian dan kreativitas seniman sedangkan faktor penghambat yaitu ekonomi seniman serta tidak adanya data, tempat, dan bahan baku permainan. Enam tahun selanjutnya mulai berdiri Pakarangan Ulin Dago Pakar dan Yayasan Hong Pakarangan Nusantara namun disisi lain minat masyarakat mulai berkurang. Lima tahun selanjutnya pemanfaatan media sosial dan media massa serta terdapat dukungan dari pemerintah namun sayangnya maraknya permainan online membuat anak-anak mulai meninggalkan permainan tradisional. Tiga tahun terakhir terkendala dengan Covid 2019 namun pada 2022 Komunitas Hong berhasil bangkit kembali. Ketiga, upaya yang dilakukan meliputi regenerasi anggota, pengenalan permainan tradisional, panggung-panggung pertunjukan, Museum Permainan Indonesia, digitalisasi pada permainan tradisional, sosialisasi, workshop, seminar, dan webinar. This research is motivated by the author's concern about traditional games that are rarely played, but with the presence of the Hong Community in the community, traditional games are preserved. This research is very important to research because of the lack of information related to the Hong Community. The purpose of this research is to find out the background of the establishment of the Hong Community in 2003, the factors that encourage and hinder the development of the Hong Community in preserving traditional Sundanese games in Bandung Regency 2003 - 2022, and the Hong Community's efforts in developing and preserving traditional Sundanese games in Bandung Regency. The author uses historical research methods according to Sjamsuddin including heuristics, criticism, and historiography. The results showed that first, Zaini's reason for establishing the Hong Community in 2003 was due to his concern about traditional games that were rarely played so he invited children around his house to play traditional games. Second, the supporting factors in the first five years of pioneering were the emergence of art studios, artists' concern, and creativity, while the inhibiting factors were the artists' economy and the absence of data, places, and raw materials for games. Six years later, Pakarangan Ulin Dago Pakar and Hong Pakarangan Nusantara Foundation were established, but on the other hand, public interest began to decrease. The next five years utilized social media and mass media and there was support from the government but unfortunately, the rise of online games made children leave traditional games. The last three years were constrained by Covid 2019 but in 2022 the Hong Community managed to revive. Third, the efforts made include the regeneration of members, introduction of traditional games, performance stages, Museum of Indonesian Games, digitization of traditional games, socialization, workshops, seminars, and webinars.

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Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Ayi Budi Santosa: 5992658 Iing Yulianti: 5992636
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kiprah Komunitas Hong, Permainan Tradisional Sunda, Upaya Pelestarian, Kabupaten Bandung Role of Hong Community, Sundanese Tratitional Games, Conservation Efforts, Bandung Regency
Subjects: D History General and Old World > D History (General)
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure
L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Pendidikan Sejarah
Depositing User: Sri Dewi Rahayu Nurgianti
Date Deposited: 29 Feb 2024 08:55
Last Modified: 29 Feb 2024 08:55

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