Mellyani Safitri, - (2023) ANALISIS TARAF HIDUP PENGEMIS DAN SEBARANNYA DI KOTA BANDUNG. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Keberadaan pengemis di Kota Bandung bukan merupakan sebuah fenomena yang baru. Berdasarkan pernyataan dari Kepala Seksi Rehabilitasi Sosial Dinas Soial Kota Bandung setidaknya terdapat 15 titik rawan pengemis yang tersebar di Kota Bandung. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut tujuan pada penelitian adalah (1) Menganalisis pendapatan pengemis di Kota Bandung (2) Menganalisis pengeluaran pengemis di Kota Bandung (3) Menganalisis kepemilikan rumah pengemis di Kota Bandung? (4) Menganalisis sebaran pengemis di Kota Bandung. Metode analisis pada penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis Uji Chi-Square. Berdasarkan perhitungan dihasilkan sebanyak 47%, sebanyak 34% sedang sebanyak dan sebanyak 19% tinggi. Tingkat pendapatan pengemis sebanyak 37,5% memiliki pengeluaran rumah tangga rendah, sebanyak 49,5% sedang sebanyak 13%. Tingkat Kepemilikan Batang pengemis di Kota Bandung, sebanyak 19% memiliki barang rendah, sebanyak 26% sedang, dan sebanyak 55% tinggi. Uji Chi-Square menunjukan bahwa tingkat pendapatan memiliki hubungan dengan tingkat pengeluaran pengemis dengan chi hitung sebesar 43,561. Tingkat pendapatan pengemis memiliki hubungan dengan tingkat kepemilikan barang dengan chi hitung sebesar 11,476. Tingkat pengeluaran memiliki hubungan dengan tingkat kepemilkan barang dengan chi hitung sebesar 20,633.Berdasarkan sampel wilayah sebanyak 135 titik dengan 8 kawasan diantaranya yaitu persimpangan jalan, SPBU, tempat wisata, pertokoan, pusat perbelanjaan, pasar tradisional, terminal, dan stasiun. Berdasarkan hasil sebaran pengemis didapatkan bahwa Kecamatan Sumur Bandung dan Kecamatan Bandung Wetan menjadi titik tertinggi persebaran pengemis karena merupakan pusat Kota Bandung, dan titik dengan sebaran pengemis terrendah berada di kecamatan Rancasari dan Gede Bage karena banyak ditemui sawah, industri, dan komplek perumahan terpadu. The existence of beggars in Bandung City is not a new phenomenon. Based on a statement from the Head of Social Rehabilitation Section of Bandung City Soial Service, there are at least 15 points prone to beggars scattered in Bandung City. Based on this background, the purpose of the study was (1) Analysis of the income of beggars in Bandung (2) Analysis of the beggar spending in Bandung? (3) Analysis of the possession of a beggar's house in Bandung City? (4) Analysis beggars spread in Bandung City? The analysis method in the study used is Descriptive using the Chi-Square Test analysis. Based on the calculation, 47%, 34% are moderate and 19% high. The income level of beggars is 37.5% having low household expenditure, as much as 49.5% is as much as 13%. The ownership rate of beggar infrastructure in Bandung City, as much as 19% has low infrastructure, as much as 26% medium, and as much as 55% high. The Chi-Square test shows that the income level has a relationship with the beggar's expenditure level with a chi count of 43,561. The income level of beggars has a relationship with the infrastructure ownership rate of 11,476. The expenditure level has a relationship with the level of infrastructure ownership with chi count of 20,633. Based on 135 regional samples with 8 areas, including crossroads, gas stations, tourist attractions, shops, shopping centers, traditional markets, terminals, and stations. Based on the results of the distribution of beggars, it was found that the subdistricts of Seung Bandung and Bandung Wetan became the highest point of the distribution of beggars because of the many rice fields, industries, and integrated housing complexes.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Additional Information: ID SINTA Dosen Pembimbing: Dede Sugandi: 5989548 Bagja Waluya: 5979043
Uncontrolled Keywords: Taraf Hidup, Pengemis, Sebaran
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
H Social Sciences > HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial > Pendidikan Geografi-S1
Depositing User: Mellyani Safitri
Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2023 02:02
Last Modified: 27 Nov 2023 02:02

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